
冰河列車 Glacier Express<景觀列車篇>

冰河列車(Glacier Express)號稱"全世界速度最慢的列車"。行經阿爾卑斯山,沿途行經瀑布、冰河、峽谷、高原等無數景觀,行程總長約300公里,行駛時間約8小時,穿越91個隧道及291座橋樑。車廂的設計1等艙和2等艙均相同,除了座位及用餐服務不同。

路線:策馬特(Zermatt)布里格(Brig)安德馬特(Andermatt)庫爾(Chur)聖摩里茲(St. Moritz)

Swiss Pass可以免費搭乘(升等半價),若搭乘1等艙則需要預約,而預約費約30CHF,可在官方網站上預約,若擔心到車站取票不方便也可以自行列印預約證明以便查驗。但我建議搭乘二等艙即可,乘客不多拍照很方便!網路、旅遊書通常會推冰河列車(Glacier Express)為必搭景觀列車,但我絕不需要對此期待太高!首先,經歷過少女峰山區(Jungfraujoch)策馬特山區(Zermatt)美景的洗禮,在搭冰河列車(Glacier Express)肯定不會因為沿途的風景而有所感動。接著是搭乘1等艙的我發現布果是我搭的那一班車,或者對向開過列車2等艙幾乎都是空的,所以不需要特別預約。最後,也是重點,1等艙說穿了只不過是餐車霸了,列車一開就有服務人員開始點餐,1等艙的乘客就一路一直吃吃喝喝到終點,也許很浪漫,但或許也很撈錢。隨車會附上一副耳機,有多國語言的語音導覽,當然也包含中文,不過導覽內容也不忘推銷車上的食物、商品。。。

我對冰河列車(Glacier Express)的評價不高,並不如網路上或書上說的那般美好,可能旅遊團的行程就只是這樣,大家也覺得很高興吧!不過倒是可以在車上買個紀念品,是一個很可愛的斜腳酒杯!

Glacier Express

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Glacier Express is an express train connecting railway stations of the two major mountain resorts of St. Moritz and Zermatt in theSwiss Alps. The train is operated jointly by the Matterhorn Gotthard Bahn (MGB) and Rhaetian Railway (RhB). For much of its journey, it also passes along and through the World Heritage Site known as the Rhaetian Railway in the Albula / Bernina Landscapes.

The train is not an "express" in the sense of being a high-speed train, but rather, in the sense that it provides a one-seat ride for a long duration travel. In fact it has the reputation of being the slowest express train in the world.[1] As St. Moritz and Zermatt are home to two well-known mountains, the Glacier Express is also said to travel from Piz Bernina to Matterhorn.

The Glacier Express first ran in 1930. Initially, it was operated by three railway companies: the Brig–Visp–Zermatt Bahn (BVZ), the Furka Oberalp Bahn, and the RhB. Since 2003, the train has been operated by RhB and a newly established company, the MGB, which arose from a merger between the BVZ and the FO.

The trip on the Glacier Express is a 7½ hour railway journey across 291 bridges, through 91 tunnels and across the Oberalp Pass on the highest point at 2,033 m (6,670 ft) in altitude. The entire line is metre gauge (narrow gauge railway), and large portions of it use a rack-and-pinion system both for ascending steep grades and to control the descent of the train on the back side of those grades.


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冰河列車 Glacier Express    

我對冰河列車(Glacier Express)感到十分失望,大概是出發前太過期待而且還花錢升等,但經過仔細的思考,應該是少女峰山區(Jungfraujoch)策馬特山區(Zermatt)的風景太過震撼,所以才對冰河列車(Glacier Express)沿途景觀沒什麼感覺。不過話說回來,對此很期待的遊客真的不需要以為這是個很熱門的路線,因為當天看了三個班次的冰河列車(Glacier Express),2等艙幾乎都是空的,也證明並不是人人都想要搭乘這個奇怪的景觀列車,不如花錢在葛內拉特(Gornergrat)"3100 KulmHotel"住上一晚,享受天堂級的美景還比較值得!



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