被稱為文藝復興運動誕生地的佛羅倫斯(Florence)又譯翡冷翠(Firenze),然是義大利之旅不能錯過的重要大城。結束了短暫的羅馬行程後緊接著來到佛羅倫斯(Florence),剛抵達新聖母瑪利亞車站(Firenze SMN)就感受到這個城市的"熱情",太陽曬得我都快蒸發了。。。
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Florence (Italian: Firenze [fiˈrɛntse], alternate obsolete form: Fiorenza; Latin: Florentia) is the capital city of the Italian region ofTuscany and of the province of Florence. It is the most populous city in Tuscany, with c. 370,000 inhabitants (1,500,000 in the metropolitan area).
The city lies on the River Arno; it is known for its history and its importance in the Middle Ages and in the Renaissance, especially for its art and architecture and, more generally, for its cultural heritage. A centre of medieval European trade and finance and one of the wealthiest cities of the time, Florence is considered the birthplace of the Renaissance; it has been called the Athens of the Middle Ages. A turbulent political history included periods of rule by the powerful Medici family, religious and republican revolution. From 1865 to 1870 the city was also the capital of the recently established Kingdom of Italy.
The historic centre of Florence attracts millions of tourists each year, and Euromonitor International ranked the city as the world's 72nd most visited in 2009, with 1.685 million visitors. It was declared a World Heritage Site UNESCO in 1982. Due to Florence's artistic and architectural heritage, it has been ranked by Forbes as one of the most beautiful cities in the world, and the city is noted for its history, culture, Renaissance art and architecture and monuments. The city also contains numerous museums and art galleries, such as the Uffizi Gallery and the Pitti Palace, amongst others, and still exerts an influence in the fields of art, culture and politics. Florence is also an important city in Italian fashion, being ranked within the top fifty fashion capitals of the world; furthermore, it is also a major national economic centre, being a tourist and industrial hub. In 2008, the city had Italy's 17th highest average income per capita.
由於抵達的時候已經是下午了,所以check-in後就開始逛起市區來,首先來到距離旅館步行約5分鐘的聖母百花大教堂(Santa Maria del Fiore),他算的上是佛羅倫斯(Florence)最顯眼的建築物,除了主教堂(Duomo)以外還包含鐘樓(Campanile)及洗禮堂(Battistero),而整個聖母百花大教堂(Santa Maria del Fiore)建築群也被列入世界文化遺產(World Heritage)。
穿過聖母百花大教堂(Santa Maria del Fiore)建築群即可看到領主廣場(Piazza della Signoria),廣場上映入眼簾的即是舊宮(Palazzo Vecchio)以及許多石雕,其中最吸睛的就是鼎鼎大名的"大衛像"複製品,也是第一件大衛複製品。
舊宮(Palazzo Vecchio)一旁還可以看到阿曼納迪(Ammannati)的作品-海神噴泉(Fontana di Nettuno)象徵對海權的野心。
從聖母百花大教堂(Santa Maria del Fiore)步行約10分鐘,可以欣賞佛羅倫斯(Florence)最具特色也最古老的老橋(Ponte Vecchia)。
位於火車站(Firenze SMN)旁的新聖母瑪利亞教堂(Santa Maria Novella),內有相當豐富的壁畫。
聖羅倫佐教堂(San Lorenzo),麥第奇家族的專屬教堂。
麥第奇禮拜堂(Cappelle Medicee),內有米開朗基羅為麥第奇家族製作的雕刻作品。
碧提宮(Palazzo Pitti),館藏豐富的美術館。
藝術學院美術館(Galleria della' Accademia),可以親眼看到米開朗基羅的巨作-"大衛"本尊,以及Giambologna的"掠奪沙賓婦女"(Rape of the Sabines)。
*若欲前往藝術學院美術館(Galleria della' Accademia)參觀,建議約08:00前往避免大量人潮,本人10點到排隊排了快2小時。。。